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The pain you're feeling right now is a chapter in your story, Not Your Ending.

I remember standing exactly where you are now. In 2010, I found myself staring into the mirror after 21 years of marriage, wondering who I'd become after letting someone else define my worth. That lost woman in the reflection? She found her way back to herself – and beyond – and I can show you how to do the same.

Hi, I am Nanette.

I am a divorce and reinvention coach and I help women heal from narcissistic relationships and reclaim their power so they can step boldly into a new life. 

As a certified Divorce, Health, and Life Re-Invention Coach, author, and founder of Live Life Now LLC, I bring a unique blend of personal insight and professional expertise to my coaching practice. I firmly believe that self-care is paramount during the emotional upheaval of divorce. I am dedicated to helping women recognize their inherent worth, embrace their resilience, and step confidently into the next chapter of their lives.